Join Us
Welcome to our partner parishes! I am glad that you are here.
So often in our world, we turn to faith for light, hope, peace, wisdom and the strength that comes only from God. We believe that Jesus came that we may have life and have it in abundance. We know that the Triune God has created us for glory and to share in His very life. By living out our baptismal call, we are nourished for this life in Word, Sacrament, service, and fellowship. This happens in so many ways – and there is so much going on in our parishes already. I hope that you can join us for liturgy or in other parish activities.
Please know that you are welcomed, loved, and prayed for by our parish communities!
To begin the process of joining our partner parishes, please click on of the buttons for the parish you’d like to join below. Someone from the office will reach out for more information and to welcome you!