Confirmation brings to completion the grace received through baptism. By this sacrament, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and enriched by the strength of the Holy Spirit. This gift conforms believers more fully to Christ and strengthens them to bear witness to Christ for the building up of his body in faith and love. Ordinarily, the Bishop administers the sacrament of Confirmation by the laying on of hands, anointing the candidate on the forehead with Sacred Chrism, and offering the prayer for the outpouring of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The grace of this sacrament strengthens Catholics to carry out their baptismal call to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
In the Diocese of Greensburg, the normative age for reception of the sacrament takes place during the Eighth Grade year.
Immediate preparation for Confirmation begins in Seventh Grade bringing together families in formation, youth ministry and workshops/retreats. Learn more about this year’s program here, or speak to Joann Giuffre
Children older than 8th grade and adults also in need of Confirmation, should contact Beth Couchenour at the parish office.
Candidates for confirmation chose a sponsor (often a godparent) to support and encourage them on their journey of faith. Learn more about the requirements for a sponsor here.
Sponsors from other parishes are required to submit a letter of good standing from their home parish, which may be sent to the office at the attention of Joann Giuffre. Parishioners asked to be a sponsor should speak to Cecilia Herbig to request a sponsor letter.